Thursday, April 15, 2010

Piece of cake

Ever since I saw the outdoor bed the other day, I've been completely hooked on the idea of having my very own in our backyard. But as clever as I think Dan is... who the heck wants to build a bed?

Then I saw this:

That's right my friends - this insanely creative woman took 2 boring old wooden pallets, bolted them together, added wheels and some fabric covered thick foam... and viola! PERFECTION.

I am 100% certain I could even do this part without Dan's help if I had to, and then just get him to help me add some kind of posts like in the outdoor bed photo:

Some thick twine weaved back and forth across the top of the four posts and down one side would be all that's needed for a quick-growing vine variety to take it over and turn it into the magical little getaway that it is. And since I am forever lusting over outdoor fabrics and wishing they were a softer cotton to use inside, I have no doubts I could find something perfect to do the "mattress" and a couple of pillows in.

The genius behind the amazing reading bed is Ashley Ann, of Ashley Ann Photography. Her blog "Under the Sycamore" has quickly become a new inspiration - especially her ever growing list of super easy DIY projects (like the bed)!

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