Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Favorite Ingredients - Mixed

I've decided to make a conscious effort to post in my blog much more frequently... leading towards eventually posting every day. Since I neither have the time or the funds to do enough at the house to fill daily postings, I'm allowing myself the freedom to blog more randomly. I suppose a lot of it will end up being simple inspiration I gather from my daily blogroll browsing, but I do (of course) plan to continue posting 906-related goodness seeing as I have a minor love affair with my house and absolutely love sharing all of it with you here!

Today, I'm craving getting back to my love for cooking at home - experimenting with new recipes and trying to build up my abilities in the kitchen. While I have continued cooking lately, it's been much more sporadic and I haven't tried anything too far from our "normal" rotation. Also, having the grill made for tons of easy dinners through the summer (marinated chicken anyone?)... but with fall in Chicago quickly flying by and another brutal winter rearing it's ugly head, I'm hoping to get back to cozy at home dinners with a glass of wine!

This picture (snatched from a Style Me Pretty wedding) has been sitting on my desktop since yesterday just begging me to do something with it. While I love both images side by side and can picture little rubber-stamped drink stirrers like those on the right in my own wedding someday, it's the image on the left that has my mouth watering and instantly had the wheels in my head turning to figure out a quick and less fussy way to try this mixture of 2 of my favorite ingredients - shrimp and avacado - at home.

While perfect for a dinner party, these individual shrimp and chips are a little fancy for snacking at home. The plan? A chunky shrimp guacamole of sorts... I'm thinking diced avacado, cilantro, lemon juice, seasoned cooked shrimp coarsely chopped, and maybe some tomato, with blue corn chips like those shown to scoop it all up. Oh, yum.

1 comment:

the shoppe owner said...

your shrimp idea sounds delicious. two posts about shrimp in a row!!! Watch out, cupcakes. I think she has another love :O) just kidding.

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